
Restore Election Integrity

Adapting the 100/10/6 Plan to Restoring Election Integrity

by Kurt Hyde, Council Member

The 100/10/6 plan for educating and influencing the public can be adapted for our Restore Election Integrity (REI) action project. The first step is to identify the 100 households that you and/or your fellow JBS chapter members will visit at least twice in 2022. If you live in a state where the voter registrations are public information — as they should be in order to keep the public informed and to protect against ballot-box stuffing by election insiders — you should be able to find 100 households of active voters, specifically those who are active enough to vote in primary elections. Be sure to compile this list and save it as a computer file if you can. That will make it easier to organize by street name and then sort by number.

You don’t necessarily need to confine your search to only one political party. I once belonged to an election-integrity group associated with a political party. Members of another political party wanted to join our group, as they were suspicious of election fraud in their own party’s primary elections, but, unfortunately were not allowed to join because of our party’s rules. The John Birch Society, however, is built on educational principles, not partisan political priorities. Anyone who sincerely wants to restore election integrity should be welcome.

If your state restricts the usage of voter registration lists, there are other ways to find prospective households. You can check political donation records or search nearby neighborhoods looking for political signs or parked cars with political bumper stickers. In that case, however, you might need to settle for a lesser number of households that you can commit to visiting at least twice this year.

The best thing to drop off on your first visit is a copy of the slim jim “9 Ways to Restore America’s Elections,” along with a note explaining how you can be contacted. If you have a computer, it should be easy to write a simple note and print it when needed. If you don’t feel comfortable using your personal contact information, use your JBS chapter’s contact information (e.g., a chapter email address or P.O. box) instead. Make your second visit a personal visit and, if the prospect is interested, be prepared to give them the February 15, 2021 TNA reprint “Restoring Election Integrity.” If the prospect is not available, drop off an REI slim jim along with a note asking if you can arrange a personal visit.

You should also make a list of 10 community opinion molders. This would include religious leaders, community leaders, and respected business owners. Try to arrange personal visits with them. Bring the “9 Ways” slim jim or the “Restoring Election Integrity” reprint. Review them beforehand and be prepared to discuss them.

If you have a list of six patriots you are currently recruiting for JBS membership, you can visit them with either the slim jim or the TNA reprint. Election integrity is a major issue for many Americans, so they should be interested. When you talk with them, emphasize that The John Birch Society, particularly via The New American, has been warning of dangers to election integrity for decades, and that the JBS’s solutions are based on historically sound election procedures. We don’t need new technology. What we need is to restore time-tested, proven election procedures from the past, when American elections were among the most open and trusted in the world.