
Gavin Newsom & the Gun Control Convention | JBS News Analysis

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently made headlines with his latest attack on the Second Amendment. He’s proposed to add a 28th Amendment to the federal Constitution to embed gun control into the law of the land. And how he plans to do this raised plenty of eyebrows.

We’ll tell you the details in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, and suggest ways you can help avoid this.


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They Really Do Want to Take Your Guns

As horrific mass shootings continue to ravage our nation, lawmakers on the Left continue to insist the problem is firearms and the answer is infringing on your right to one. In this episode, Paul talks with Zoe Warren, host of 2A for Today and a candidate for lieutenant governor of South Carolina. They discuss the falsehoods about guns being touted by legacy media, the Left’s real intention of completely abolishing the Second Amendment, what’s really causing gun violence, and what communities can do to protect themselves against mass shootings.

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Skyrocketing Gun Sales, 2A Enemies & Well-Regulated Militias

Guns are selling like hotcakes as Americans of all demographics realize the police can’t always protect you. In this episode, Paul and Zoe Warren, host of 2A for Today, discuss who’s buying guns and why, the enemies of the Second Amendment, and the idea of creating well-trained and legal community militias.

Resources & Citations

Watch 2A for Today

Read Latest Survey Reveals Women Now Nearly Half of all New Gun Buyers

Read the 2021 National Firearms Survey

Take Action: Stop Tyrannical UN Gun Control Treaty