
Americanism Will Fix America, Not Republicans

Many people believe that voting Republican will fix our problems. But what did Republicans fix when they were in charge? In this episode, Paul and Art Thompson, the former CEO of The John Birch Society, discuss the concerning origins of the Republican Party, certain questionable Republicans, and how patriotic Americans can make sure their legislators are true Americanists, not just Republicans.

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Enemies Within The GOP

Imagine that you want to run for office so you can support the Constitution and your country.  But insiders from your party, the Republican Party Apparatus, won’t support you.  They’re worried they can’t control you. 

Learn who is really making the decisions in the GOP in this episode of Activate America with Arthur R. Thompson.

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Apply for JBS membership and get involved.
  3. Learn more about the origin of the Republican party in the book “To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments”.