
Benedict Biden Exposed | Activate America

Today we want to ask a few questions about what you may know about Joe Biden’s agenda before we take a deeper look at Biden. Is Biden making mistakes? Is he fumbling around with no real direction? Is he taking orders from outside the Oval Office? Is he so old he doesn’t know what he is doing? If you listen to the conservative pundits, these are the excuses for Biden’s actions. And, they are false. Find out why in this episode of Activate.

Take Action!

1.) Read Art’s new book, “Benedict Biden: Water Carrier For The New World Order”

2.) Book a Benedict Biden speaking event in your area

3.) Help the US get out of the United Nations

Integration of Integrations: Building the New World Order | JBS News Analysis

Freedom vs. bondage is a battle that has been going on since the beginning of time. Today we’ll discuss renewed calls and ways supporters are working toward a New World Order, and before you go, be sure to sign up for our free legislative alerts and tell Congress to not get entangled with the European Union by clicking on the links in the description.

Take Action:
1.) Contact Congress & Tell Them No US and EU Merging!

2.) Sign up for legislative alerts

3.) Join The John Birch Society Today

4.) Visit Stop the Globalists’ Trade Agenda to learn more and take action

Installing the New World Order

For this episode, we’ll look into not just one news topic, but several to show you how all of this is working together against America and ultimately, against you, now on Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to save American liberty and independence.

1) Like and share this video with others

2) Read and distribute “International Merger by Foreign Entanglements”:

3) Tell Congress to kick globalists out of the federal government:

4) Apply for JBS membership and get involved:

5) Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721: