
Racism is Collectivism & Replacement Theory is Not Racist

Mass migration is mass victimization of Americans and those risking their lives to cross over into the U.S. The New American magazine publisher Dennis Behreandt likens our immigration policies to a form of ethnic cleansing. In this clip from Freedom is the Cure’s “The Jewish Tangent,” Paul discusses America’s harmful immigration policies with Dennis Behreandt and Steve Bonta of The New American magazine.

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Biden’s Immigration Invasion | JBS News Analysis

If illegal immigrants show up outside your door, what are you to do?  The answer may be different depending on which state you’re in.  If you’re in a sanctuary state, government is more apt to accept the aliens than others who are not.  After all, these are states that have declared they will not cooperate with immigration customs enforcement.  Yet, when 50 of them show up in Martha’s Vineyard, they are quickly whisked away to a military base, while calls from border states to control an enormous flow of aliens by securing the border is met with lies and goes largely ignored.

Is the Biden administration ignorant of the federal laws, being used as tools to fulfill a political agenda, or have they willingly bought into a much larger scheme?  We’ll offer an overview and suggest ways you can help restore the Republic in today’s episode.

Action Items:

  1. Tell Congress to Get Out of the United Nations.
  2. Read Biden’s Broken Border.
  3. Distribute the magazine to others.
  4. Join The John Birch Society.