
Trump Trial Treachery | JBS News Analysis

The verdict of Trump’s so-called hush money trial only cemented in the minds of Americans that the justice system is not serving justice, but the Deep State.

Trump’s verdict reminds us of what we are up against. We’ll look into this and offer ways you can help in today’s Analysis Behind the News, perspective and solutions you won’t get anywhere else.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, subscribe, and share, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.


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From No to Know | Activate America

It is often difficult to get through to people just exactly what is going on. In this segment we offer just a few suggestions to get people from saying “no,” rejecting what is really happening, to going to a position of knowing, seeing what is really happening. Going from NO to KNOW.

Take Action:

  1. Get A Copy of “Benedict Biden”  
  2. Get A Copy of “Property Rights: As Sacred as the Laws of God
  3. Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

Killing American Sovereignty via Alien Invasion | JBS News Analysis

Are you fascinated by the Hollywood movies of alien invasion? Many watching such movies as Will Smith’s Independence Day from many years ago found that their patriotic heart-strings get tugged.

So, what are we to make of the recent phenomenon of what first is reported to be a Chinese spy balloon, and then is followed up with the shooting down of at least three more objects?

As silly as it sounds, the top U.S. Air Force general told the media that he was not ruling anything out, including an alien invasion. Should we be concerned with what the government is telling us or are they just distracting us from something much more important? Bill Hahn discusses some interesting points about the Russia/Ukraine War you won’t hear on the mainstream news.

Take Action:

1.) Like and Share this video with others.

2.) ­Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

3.) The Constitution Is the Solution.