
Democracy Leads to Communism | Activate America

Most politicians would say we live in a Democracy.  But in the Pledge of Allegiance, we say, “and to the Republic for which it stands”.  Democracy, Republic, what’s the difference?  You may be surprised.  Today we’ll find out in this episode of Activate America.

Take Action:

1.) Like and Share this video with others.

2.) Learn more about the differences between Republics and Democracies

3.)  Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

Differences Between Nazism and Communism? | Activate America

In this episode we’ll look at the political spectrum and how Nazism, Communism, Fascism and others fit in. Do you know how dictators took over their governments in the past and how it applies to today and in the future?

Take Action:

1.) Like and Share this video with others.

2.) Watch the video “Overview of America”. 

3.) Get your copy of “Property Rights: As Sacred as the Laws of God”. 

4.)  Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

Are Jews to Blame for Communism?

Collectivist ideas like communism do not originate from one particular ethnicity or religion. These ideas have been embraced all over the world by those seeking to concentrate power within their grasp. The spell of this tribal orientation was broken by the U.S. system of government and values, but we have not fully broken with it. In this clip from Freedom Is the Cure’s “The Jewish Tangent,” Dennis Behreandt and Steve Bonta of The New American magazine dispel the notion that Jews created totalitarianism.

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Communist Manifesto Advances | Activate America

There’s a Pincer Movement going on, but not necessarily in the war in Ukraine.  Initiatives outlined in the Communist Manifesto utilize pressure from above and pressure from below. It is a tried-and-true tactic that continues to be used today to push our republic into a One World Government, a New World Order.  Just ask President Biden.

Action Items:

Like and share this video with others.

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Read “Benedict Biden: Water Carrier For The New World Order”, available at 

Utilizing Truth Based on Facts

Moving into 2022, Americans need to know what is happening even before it happens. This may seem impossible, but it isn’t.

During times of crisis our enemies use two different strategies, False Flags and Militancy. What are they and why would they use them? Join Arthur R. Thompson in this episode of Activate America to find how they work and how we can fight against them.

Moving into 2022, Americans need to know what is happening even before it happens. This may seem impossible, but it isn’t.

During times of crisis our enemies use two different strategies, False Flags and Militancy. What are they and why would they use them? Join Arthur R. Thompson in this episode of Activate America to find how they work and how we can fight against them.

Action Items:
1) Get daily news updates by signing up for Top Daily Headlines

2) Consider donating to The John Birch Society

3) Find out how your Senator or Congressman has voted on key votes on The New American’s Freedom Index

Appearance of Popular Support: Exposing & Stopping Marxism | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews Dr. Wayne Sedlak, a Christian pastor and missionary with over 47 years of pastoral ministry. Dr. Sedlak recounts his missionary trip to South Africa in the 1980s, in which he met with high-ranking officials of then-South African Defense Forces, government leaders, and Christian pastors to expose liberation theology and communism. Pastor Sedlak shares his ideas for exposing and stopping Marxism.


1.) Watch “Overview of America”

2.) Study the Enemy; Purchase and Read “The Communist Manifesto”

3.) Subscribe to The New American magazine

Create Semblance of Revolution: Fake Collapse of Communism | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews anticommunist researcher and activist “Jimmy from Brooklyn,” who exposes how the supposed “Sino-Soviet Split” during the Cold War, combined with the Communist Party’s organized All-People’s Front/ United Front, and their exploitation of race are all interlocking parts of a well-coordinated, long-range, and ongoing strategy for world revolution and the eventual triumph of Marxism-Leninism. 


1.) Watch Overview of America

2.) Study the Enemy; Purchase and Read “The Communist Manifesto”

3.) Know the Enemy’s Plan; Purchase and Read “New Lies for Old”

Create Semblance of Revolution: Sunrise Movement | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews Alex Newman, senior editor of The New American, about a little-known yet highly important group known as the Sunrise Movement, in which violent street agitating Marxists, environmentalists, powerful tax-exempt foundations, and the Kremlin all converge to create the semblance of revolution. 


1.) Obtain copies of the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation’s Intelligence Brief 2020 Special Report by calling 1-877-325-COPS

2.) Learn more about and join our Support Your Local Police ad-hoc committees

3.) Watch Alex Newman’s Behind the Deep State episode “Deep State Using Child Soldiers in War on America”

Neutralize the Opposition: Reds in America | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez continues his previous interview with “Jimmy from Brooklyn” about the false collapse of the communism. Jimmy and Christian discusses the current Red menace in America through various communist and KGB-established front organizations intended to neutralize the opposition and promote communist revolution in America, as well as Joe Biden’s ties to communists.


1. Join The John Birch Society

2. Know & Study the Enemy, Get the Communist Manifesto

3. How close is America to being a communist state? Read Charles Scaliger’s article “America: Land of the Free?”

Neutralize the Opposition: QAnon’s Disinformation | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews C. Mitchell Shaw, contributor for The New American magazine, to discuss how disinformation from “Q” or “QAnon” posts has been neutralizing many well-meaning patriots and constitutionalists from being effective. Gomez and Shaw explain why conservative patriots should be wary of falling for or believing the supposed Q-drops, some of which Shaw also goes through and debunks. 


1. Read C. Mitchell Shaw’s “Questioning QAnon” article

2. Watch “Mainstream Media Smears John Birch Society with False ‘QAnon’ Comparisons”

3. Join The John Birch Society

Neutralize the Opposition: Fake Collapse of Communism | Anarchy and America

Christian Gomez interviews “Jimmy from Brooklyn,” an anticommunist researcher and activist who has infiltrated the Communist Party USA and is also a well-known caller on conservative talk radio, especially in the New York City area. Jimmy discusses ex-KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn and the history of false collapses, staged by the Soviet Union and leadership, to neutralize anticommunists and remove the image of Russia, communism, and socialism as an enemy. 


1. Purchase New Lies for Old by Anatoliy Golitsyn

2. Join The John Birch Society

3. Know & Study the Enemy, Get the Communist Manifesto

Semblance of Revolution: Exposing Antifa Tactics | Anarchy & America

Originally aired March 1, 2021. Christian Gomez interviews pastor and former Washington state Representative Matt Shea to discuss the tactics of Antifa and other violent far-Left groups and what Patriots can and should do to stop them and safeguard our Republic.


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Create the Semblance of Revolution: From Great Reset to Communism | Anarchy & America

Originally aired February 15, 2021. Christian Gomez examines Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s so-called “Great Reset of capitalism,” examining how it relates to the works of Karl Marx and other Marxist-Leninists. Karl Marx’s “communism” would be based on “new foundations,” abolishing private property and eliminating the remaining “class antagonisms” of capitalism. Likewise, Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” is to be based on “new foundations,” abolishing private ownership and eliminating the existing “income inequalities” under capitalism.


• Educate others by sharing this episode of “Anarchy & America” to help expose the Great Reset

• Download and read the January 4, 2021 issue of The New American

• Organize through membership in The John Birch Society

Neutralize the Opposition: South Africa| Anarchy & America

Originally aired February 8, 2021. Christian Gomez interviews Alex Newman, Senior Editor of The New American, to discuss South Africa’s twilight from freedom to tyranny and how communists and other subversive organizations desire to replicate the same revolutionary methods in the United States.


• Download and read the November 5, 2012 issue of The New American

• Read “Genocide & Communism Threaten South Africa,” by Alex Newman

• Join The John Birch Society

Appearance of Popular Support: Antonio Gramsci & Cultural Marxism | Anarchy & America

Originally aired February 1, 2021. Christian Gomez interviews Anna Khait, conservative influencer and host of The Gathering, to discuss Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and cultural Marxism. Born in the Soviet Union, Anna Khait is all too familiar with socialism and now she is seeing how it is gradually taking root here in America with the appearance of popular support.


• Watch Overview of America

• Watch The Constitution is the Solution

Appearance of Popular Support: Collectivism| Anarchy & America

Originally aired January 25, 2021. Christian Gomez interviews G. Edward Griffin, author and founder of both Freedom Force International and the Red Pill Expo, to discuss “collectivism,” as the underpinning ideology of communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, progressivism, and how it poses the greatest threat to individual liberty.


• Learn More at Red Pill University

• Join The John Birch Society

Historic Leaders: Stalin & World Revolution | Anarchy & America

Originally aired December 28, 2020. In this special historical edition of Anarchy & America, host Christian Gomez interviews Soviet defector and Austrian economist Dr. Yuri N. Maltsev, professor of economics at Carthage College, in Wisconsin, to discuss Joseph Stalin, who he was and his role in promoting communist world revolution.


• Follow Yuri N. Maltev’s work

• Watch Maltsev’s “The Gang of Four: Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill and the Destruction of Europe”

• Hold your Elected Officials accountable

Appearance of Popular Support | Financing Communism

Originally aired November 30, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews Alex Newman, Senior Editor of The New American, to discuss how Wall Street bankers and corporations have financed communism from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to the Black Lives Matter revolution of 2020.


1. Purchase and read The Wall Street Trilogy by Anthony C. Sutton

2. Read What’s Really Behind the Riots? by Alex Newman

3. Join The John Birch Society

Afghanistan’s Another Pawn

Recent news has been awash with reporting of the failed draw-down and defeat of the Afghanistan war, with many in government and the media pointing fingers. With all the factions in the war, and that it’s been the longest war in American history, it’s easy to get lost in all the noise.

However, we’ll point out just how simple this subject really is, in today’s episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Neutralize the Opposition | Bay of Pigs Invasion

Originally aired November 23, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews Frank de Varona, author and anticommunist survivor of the Bay of Pigs invasion, to discuss how both Cuban communists and U.S. globalists neutralized the attempted anticommunist invasion and liberation of the Caribbean island-nation.


  1. Purchase the June 18, 2018 issue of The New American
  2. Purchase Frank de Varona’s book Cuba, the Bay of Pigs, the Kennedy Assassination, the Vatican, and the New World Order
  3. Join The John Birch Society

Neutralize the Opposition | The Communist Smear Tactic

Originally aired November 16, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews G. Edward Griffin, author and founder of both Freedom Force International and the Red Pill Expo, to discuss how communists neutralize their opponents by using the smear tactic. Griffin also delves deep to uncover the underpinning ideology behind socialism, Nazism, fascism, communism, and Marxism-Leninism.


1. Watch: This is The John Birch Society

2. Find out more about The John Birch Society

3. Join The John Birch Society

Semblance of Revolution | Behind the Chaos

Originally aired November 9, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, about how communist agitators use anarchy and violence to create the semblance of revolution. Jasper delves into the Marxist and communist ties of BLM and its founders. Jasper further details how communist groups, under the banner of “self-determination” and “national liberation,” have brought back radical plans for establishing a separatist sovereign Black communist nation in America’s Black Belt region.


1.) Obtain copies of the November 9, 2020 issue of The New American

2.) Read “America’s Most Dangerous Communists: Freedom Road Socialist Organization” by Trevor Loudon in the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation’s Intelligence brief

Precipitate Mob Violence | It’s Orchestrated

Originally aired on November 2, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews former CEO of The John Birch Society Arthur R. Thompson about how and why communists precipitate mob violence. From his days as Executive Secretary of the Support Your Local Police committees in Seattle, Washington, during the 1960s and 70s, Thompson recounts the subversive activities of communist front organizations and their leaders, in the name of Civil Rights and how it relates to today’s Black Lives Matter revolution.


• Learn how to Support Your Local Police

Neutralize the Opposition | Infiltrating America’s Churches

Originally aired on October 26, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews New Zealand anti-communist author, filmmaker, and researcher Trevor Loudon about how Marxists’ and communists’ long history of infiltrating religious institutions, such as churches, seminaries, and Bible colleges in order to neutralize them from opposing Marxism-Leninism.


Read the Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Appearance of Popular Support | Revolution & Race

Originally aired on October 12, 2020.Christian Gomez interviews special guest Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson – the host of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, The Fallen State, founder of BOND, and author – about how Marxist leaders create the appearance of popular support within the Black community for socialism and communism under the banner of popular slogans and organizations such as “Black Lives Matter.”


Read the Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Why Communists Fake Collapse

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. Or did it? What better way to find out who leads the opposition? If Communism collapses, there will be a rush to fill the vacuum. That’s the opposition and now they know who to destroy.

Has this happened before? Countries such as Hungary, East Germany Czechoslovakia and Poland have already gone through this and Hong Kong and Cuba may be next.

Learn more with Arthur R. Thompson.

Dividing The People | Chile in Chaos

Originally aired on October 12, 2020.  Law and order is breaking down all around us as mob rule and rioting reigns in our nation’s cities and streets. Today we’ll look at how Marxist revolutionaries have recently sought to divide the people in Chile. We will here from Dr. Carlos Casanova, a Venezuelan lawyer and professor in Chile about how communists use the tactic of dividing the people to incite revolution. Leah Southwell, an American citizen and former resident of Santiago, recounts her first-hand encounter with protesters in Chile and how they resemble and relate to the “Black Lives Matter” protests currently engulfing the United States.


Read the Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Overview of Chaos | Anarchy and America

Original video aired October 5, 2020. In this introductory episode, host Christian Gomez examines what is behind the looting, riots, and protests engulfing the country and where it will take America if they aren’t stopped. Looking back at the original 1966 JBS film Anarchy USA, Gomez examines the five steps for anarchy in America and offers a preview of what to expect from the next five episodes of this brand-new series.


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