
Appearance of Popular Support | Financing Communism

Originally aired November 30, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews Alex Newman, Senior Editor of The New American, to discuss how Wall Street bankers and corporations have financed communism from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to the Black Lives Matter revolution of 2020.


1. Purchase and read The Wall Street Trilogy by Anthony C. Sutton

2. Read What’s Really Behind the Riots? by Alex Newman

3. Join The John Birch Society

Semblance of Revolution | Behind the Chaos

Originally aired November 9, 2020. Christian Gomez interviews William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, about how communist agitators use anarchy and violence to create the semblance of revolution. Jasper delves into the Marxist and communist ties of BLM and its founders. Jasper further details how communist groups, under the banner of “self-determination” and “national liberation,” have brought back radical plans for establishing a separatist sovereign Black communist nation in America’s Black Belt region.


1.) Obtain copies of the November 9, 2020 issue of The New American

2.) Read “America’s Most Dangerous Communists: Freedom Road Socialist Organization” by Trevor Loudon in the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation’s Intelligence brief