
Do “Squatter’s Rights” Supersede Property Rights? | Activate America

This week we take a look at the term “squatter’s rights.” Now most of us know that there is no such thing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. We’ll discuss the Marxist agenda to change public perception and erase property rights on this week’s Activate America.

Take Action:

1.) Like and Share this video with others.

2.) Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

3.)  Get your copy of Private Property: As Sacred as the Laws of God

Democracy Leads to Communism | Activate America

Most politicians would say we live in a Democracy.  But in the Pledge of Allegiance, we say, “and to the Republic for which it stands”.  Democracy, Republic, what’s the difference?  You may be surprised.  Today we’ll find out in this episode of Activate America.

Take Action:

1.) Like and Share this video with others.

2.) Learn more about the differences between Republics and Democracies

3.)  Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved.