
EU Sells Out Dutch Farmers | JBS News Analysis

One week you’re a farmer, the next week the government calls you a polluter and wants you shut down.  Sound crazy?  Not if you are a farmer in the Netherlands.

To meet the EU mandates on climate goals, the Dutch government can start buying out farmers to reduce nitrogen use. They are looking at taking thousands of farms out of production.

Could it happen here?  Watch this episode of JBS News Analysis.

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Dutch Farmers Harness Action to Win Big | JBS News Analysis

Dutch farmers are facing up to a third of their industry going out of business. All due to battling so-called man-made climate change.

Since 2019, they’ve hit the streets with their tractors and held protests and rallies across their tiny country, as well as politically organized. An election was held on March 15, and the result was that the Dutch farmers and their supporters spoke loud and clear and achieved a victory that no one could have predicted for such a fledgling movement, throwing in doubt future advances to curb nitrogen emissions.

We’ll dive into this as well as give you an update on where American farmers stand in this global war on farmers in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.


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Slim Jim.


Magazine reprints:

No Farmers, No Food.

Fighting Carbon-Capture Pipelines: Stopping Environmental Idiocracy.

4. Join The John Birch Society.