The Power of 500: 100/10/6 Program

To watch the full 40-minute presentation from which the above excerpt was taken, click here.

As things may seem bleak in Washington, there is reason to be both hopeful and excited. All across America, local liberty groups and patriotic organizations are popping up. Millions of Americans have awakened to the fact that things are amiss and a mess. Many concerned Americans are taking an active part, seeking to restore and keep our Constitutional Republic. And for more than 60 years, The John Birch Society has been leading in this effort by exposing and pushing back against the Deep State and their globalist, anti-American agenda.

Without question, The John Birch Society has the best intelligence, the best action plan, and the longest track record of success. It’s time to play offense!

The Power of 500 is The John Birch Society’s long-standing and successful strategy for creating an informed electorate, which is the only long-term solution to keeping America free and independent.

The plan involves building understanding about how to affect change in a constitutionalist direction, the necessity for organizing, and the influence of 500 organized patriots, using the “100/10/6 Program,” to work towards common goals in one congressional district.

Such goals may include:

  • Restoring election integrity;
  • Nullifying unconstitutional federal laws, regulations, court rulings, and presidential executive orders;
  • Pushing back against the government’s authoritarian response to Covid-19, such as unconstitutional vaccine mandates;
  • Supporting your local police and sheriffs and keeping them independent from federal control;
  • Safeguarding the Constitution by opposing any and all attempts by your state legislature to apply to Congress to call for an Article V constitutional convention/convention of states that would open up our Constitution to socialist revision;
  • Protecting U.S. sovereignty by stopping the Deep State’s plans to create an EU-style North American Union by withdrawing from the regionalist United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA); and
  • Restoring American independence by also withdrawing from and terminating U.S. membership in the United Nations.

Ultimately, what’s in it for you is a freer America. A freer America for you, your family, and future posterity. A free America in which the federal government is kept as a Republic, rather than transformed into a “democracy.” A free America in which Washington is rightfully restrained by the Constitution and an informed electorate. A free America where the government does not tread on your life, liberty, and property.

The Power of 500 is the only way to keep America free and independent.

Spread the Word

Below is a breakdown of The Power of 500’s “100/10/6 Program” to keeping America free and independent with 500 informed and organized patriots in each congressional district:


  • Members influence 100 households in his or her local community. Do this at least four times per year.
  • Educate households with The New American’sFreedom Index,” reprints, and slim jims related to our JBS action projects.
  • Select 100 households of active primary-election voters. This is often where the real action happens. For maximum impact, revisit the same 100 households.
  • Include your JBS chapter’s contact information and/or an invitation to a JBS event when visiting the 100 households.
  • Our goal is 500 committed activists per congressional district.


  • Members should create a list of 10 community opinion molders and influencers.
  • Such people include local talk radio hosts, newspaper editors, religious leaders, community leaders, elected officials, and small business owners.
  • Meet and educate these 10 individuals on a monthly basis.


  • Focus on six patriots to recruit for membership in your local chapter.
  • Select activists, leaders, and “doers” in local conservative and liberty groups, and other like-minded patriots.
  • Invite them to watch Overview of America. Educate them further with our resources.