Joe Wolverton II, JD

Dr. Joe Wolverton II, J.D. is The John Birch Society’s constitutional law scholar and head of a dedicated think tank focused on promoting and preserving the U.S. Constitution.

With his profound passion for constitutional law, Wolverton brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role. As a distinguished attorney and scholar, he has consistently demonstrated a commitment to defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, as well as restoring the knowledge of the authors whose works influenced the thinking and writing of the Founding Fathers.

In this position, Wolverton plays a pivotal role in advancing The John Birch Society’s mission to protect and promote the Constitution. He will grow a dynamic team of experts and researchers dedicated to fostering a deep understanding of the varied sources of the principles enshrined in the Constitution and advocating for their application in contemporary society.

Dr. Wolverton is truly honored to serve The John Birch Society in this capacity. The Constitution is the keystone document of our union, and he is dedicated to ensuring its principles continue to guide and inspire us. Together with The John Birch Society’s extraordinary leadership team, he will engage in rigorous research, education, and advocacy to uphold the values that make our country exceptional.

The John Birch Society has a long history of defending the Constitution and promoting limited government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. His appointment as Constitutional Law Scholar and think-tank anchor reflects the organization’s commitment to deepening its impact in this vital area.

Wolverton is the author of four books: The Real James Madison, “What Degree of Madness?”: Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again, the Article V Guide for Citizens and Citizen-Legislators, and The Founders’ Recipe, an introduction to the writings of the 37 authors most often quoted by the Founding Generation. He also hosts the popular YouTube channel “Teacher of Liberty” and the TikTok channel “Joe Wolverton JD.”

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