Property Rights: As Sacred as the Laws of GodBook this TopicTo our nation’s Founders, property rights were as sacred as the laws of God. Unfortunately, these rights have deteriorated to the point that government now practically controls all property. Property rights must be understood and restored in order to maintain freedom and avoid tyranny. Art Thompson explains the vital importance of property rights, including how our very existence as a free nation depends on them.
Restore Election IntegrityBook this TopicThe security and integrity of the United States’ election system has been deteriorating for years. It’s long past time to restore election integrity in America. Without fair elections, we do not have a free country. The ultimate goal is to have every legal vote count and every illegitimate one tossed out. Former JBS CEO Arthur Thompson explains the necessary steps we must take as a nation in order to restore our election system.
Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World OrderBook this TopicLearn about Joe Biden’s startling agenda in his own words and actions — his program for making America only a cog in the “New World Order” (his words, not ours) — and what can be done about it.
China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in AmericaBook this TopicThe danger of a rising China has become obvious to many people. What is not so obvious is the growing menace of Communist Chinese influence within the United States, including in academia, banking, business, political influence, media, the pandemic Covid-19, and the violence in our streets. Arthur Thompson exposes the Communist Chinese problem and what must be done to remedy it.
Arthur R. Thompson was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1938. He attended the University of Washington, the Washington Military Academy, and other business-related institutions before going into business for himself.
Art joined The John Birch Society in May 1964 and rose through “the ranks,” becoming a successful Area Coordinator for the Society in the 1970s. He left the staff to go back into business in 1981 and returned in the 1990s.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, his business took him all over the United States. A frequent visitor to Western Europe on business, as a tourist, and once on a political fact-finding tour for the JBS, Art was at the Berlin Wall as it was coming down. During this tour, he became acquainted with many businessmen, academics, members of the German Cabinet, and European Union officials.
Art has also served on his small-town city council, as the chairman of his local chamber of commerce, as an official and elector for the Republican Party, and as a local leader in the state of Washington for the Christian Coalition. He also served as an officer in the Select Reserve Force of the Army and National Guard.
Art has held nearly every volunteer and staff position in the Society, including National Director of Development and Communications and National Director of Field Activities. For several years, he represented the Society in a variety of media events, including appearing on 60 Minutes. He served as CEO of The John Birch Society from October 2005 to July 2020.
A prolific writer, Art is the author of multiple books, including To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments, International Merger by Foreign Entanglements, In the Shadow of the Deep State, China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, and Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order. He continues to regularly contribute to JBS through his writing, video appearances, fundraising efforts, and advice to staff. He resides in Appleton, Wisconsin, with his wife Joanne.
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