Born in Utah in 1939, David Jorgensen has always lived in the Beehive State except for time he spent in the U.S. Army in Texas. He earned a degree in Business Management from the University of Utah. He then used his knowledge to enter the business world first with his father and later to build his own successful company, Bedrock Quartz Surfaces. Bedrock specializes in fabrication and installation of granite and quartz countertops, fireplaces and bathroom fixtures. A third-generation family enterprise, the company operates in Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, and Idaho.
Dave joined the Society in 1965 and in 1969, he left the business world to serve for eight years as a John Birch Society Coordinator in Utah. He is one of a very few men who have ever been appointed to the JBS National Council after having served as a Field Coordinator.
As one of his varied efforts to alert fellow Americans, Dave has, since 1989, chaired the semi-annual meeting of the Newquist Group in Salt Lake City. At these gatherings named after Jerreld Newquist, author of the widely celebrated book Prophets, Principles and National Survival, concerned patriots have heard important messages from an array of patriotic authorities that has always included leaders of the John Birch Society.
Married in 1968 to Laurel Cook (who had joined the Society in 1967), the Jorgensens are proudly grateful for their six sons, two daughters, and 15 grandchildren – with more to come. Blessed with principled children, Dave and Laurel believe it is increasingly obvious that if we do not teach our children our values, someone else will teach them theirs.
A determined patriot, Dave laments the lack of knowledge about our nation‘s unique roots among fellow citizens and, even more, about America‘s enemies who seek to destroy our nation. He is determined to continue his many efforts to spread the JBS message of hope to fellow Americans.