Truthful. Constitutional. Fearless.
Since 1985, The New American news magazine has covered the real issues that affect Americans and the American Republic. The magazine’s motto is “That Freedom Shall Not Perish”, so readers can expect fiscally sound, constitutionally correct, and morally attuned news and political commentary that is rarely “politically correct”.
The printed news magazine is published twice per month and its website features free daily content from articles to podcasts to videos. All news sources have bias, and this magazine’s bias is that of the truth — not simply facts with which the staff agrees.
Forefront of Reporting the Truth

In 1986, the magazine warned that amnesty would greatly increase illegal immigration. In 1989, the magazine predicted the economic and political integration of Europe into a supranational union. In the 1990s, its editors and reporters debunked the myth that America was running out of energy. In 1992, the magazine was the first to sound the alarm on Agenda 21. In 1994, it exposed the federal push to takeover education. In 2007, it blew the whistle on the building of the North American Union, and in 2013, exposed the free trade agenda to build global government.
Special reports and thematic issues of The New American provide in-depth coverage of serious issues that can affect every American. Past reports have covered Agenda 21, Deep State, police state, NAFTA, public education, free trade agreements, immigration, and climate change.
The Perfect Companion for Patriots

Truth be told, the magazine started in 1985, after combining two longstanding publications: American Opinion and Review of the News. American Opinion was a monthly journal that began as One Man’s Opinion back in 1954 by Robert Welch, four years before he founded The John Birch Society. Review of the News was started in 1965 as a weekly round-up of news. JBS members have access to every issue of these magazines in our archives.
The solid track record of The New American and its rich history make it the perfect companion to any American patriot concerned about the future of the country, our rights, liberties, and independence. The New American is an affiliate of The John Birch Society. We feel so strongly of its continuous impact that members receive it as a benefit of their membership. We encourage you to subscribe to the magazine, sign up for its free daily, weekly or monthly headlines, and regularly visit it online.