Freedom’s Voices, the speakers bureau of The John Birch Society, serves as an excellent resource to educate opinion molders, recruit new members, and expand our sphere of influence.

We provide several different speakers on a wide range of topics and are here to help you every step of the way in order to make your event a success.

Below are some frequently asked questions about hosting a JBS speaker.

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Imagine filling a large room with knowledge and understanding of our Constitutional Republic; completely transforming what your community thinks of what’s happening in the news. It is possible. Choose from topics such as Big Government, illegal immigration, the Deep State, the USMCA, and many more! Complete the form below with all the details you can and we’ll help you get started today.

JBS:Book a Speaker

Answers for Frequent Questions

How much does an event cost?

Prices vary depending on whether you’re hosting an in-person or webinar event. In-person events begin at $400, which only covers the speaking fee and excludes other expenses like travel, food, or hotel accommodations. Hosting a webinar event is $200.

What am I responsible for when hosting a speaker?

You are responsible for the speaker fee, transportation, food, and hotel accommodations of the speaker, as well as securing a venue for the speech and promoting it. Our Freedom Voices coordinator at JBS headquarters will book the flight for the speaker. We will find the cheapest flight and confirm with the host of the event before purchasing.

What will I be charged for?

Initially, you’ll receive an event estimate covering the speaking fee, starting at $400 and up, along with the estimated flight expense. You and your committee must pay for the transportation for the speaker from their hometown to your event (flying or driving), and their gas mileage from their home to the airport ($0.54 per mile). If the speaker incurs any out-of-pocket expenses, such as baggage fee, toll fee, or food, you will also be charged for this. Our speakers are all aware of these expenses and will be modest in any out-of-pocket expenses. Typically, the total cost of an in-person event runs anywhere from $900-$1,200 depending on how far the speaker is traveling.

What does the webinar event entail?

When the government shut down the country in 2020, we began hosting online webinars for our speakers to temporarily replace the in-person speaking events. These webinars have been so successful that we have decided to keep them as a cheaper alternative to the in-person event. The total expense for the webinar event is $200. The host can choose to either host a free webinar event or charge a $5-$10 fee to cover the cost. The webinar will also either be a “live” event with the speaker or a recording of their speech. Currently we have several presentations pre-recorded and are working on getting the rest recorded. For the pre-recorded webinar, the first 40-45 minutes will be the recording of the presentation and then we will bring the speaker back to host a live question and answer session after the recording. All of our webinars are run through Zoom. The Freedom Voices coordinator will get everything set up for you on Zoom and will provide a flyer with the registration link, so all the host has to do is promote the event.

How much time should I give myself to plan a speaking event?

For an in-person event, we recommend two-three months. This gives you a comfortable amount of time to make the necessary reservations and promote your event. For the online webinar, we recommend one month as these are a little easier to set up.

Do I have to be a member to host a speaker?

No, anyone can host an event.

Do I have to create my own promotional material?

No, we will provide templates for a flyer, program, and tickets. All you have to do is insert your information and take it to your local print shop.

Will the speaker bring his own projector?

In most cases, no. You will be responsible for providing all necessary video and audio equipment.

What if I need help?

Your local coordinator is a great place to start. Our Freedom Voice’s coordinator is also always at your disposal to help you in whatever way they can.

Do I have to pay upfront?

No, you will be sent an invoice after the event has happened. We give you 30 days after the event to make your payment.

What happens if our speaker cancels?

If the speaker cancels, they are responsible for reimbursing you for the speaking fee and any other incurred costs. If your event is cancelled due to inclement weather, you are still responsible for all costs.

Can we film our event?

No. Due to the proliferatory nature of the internet, all too often our videos have ended up in the wrong hands and been used to send the wrong message. It is for this reason that we ask you to not film your event.