The John Birch Society depends on the generosity of donors to continue fighting to preserve your rights and freedoms under the Constitution. Donations are not tax-deductible, but they are most appreciated! Your information is never shared in any way.

Give by Phone or by Mail

Thank you for considering a donation. It means the world to us!

Here at The John Birch Society, our goal is to bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world. And YOU help make that possible! With your most generous donation, you will help educate millions about the proper role of government, preserve our Constitutional Republic, and strengthen the next generation of patriots.

Bequests and Estate Planning

A generous bequest to The John Birch Society (JBS), the American Opinion Foundation (AOF), and/or the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation (LECF) is a simple yet valuable way to help ensure that America stays strong and free for future generations.

We respectfully ask that you consider The John Birch Society when making your estate plans.

Continuing Support Club

Would you like us to grow in size and influence? Should we educate and activate a sufficient number of voters to hold politicians accountable? Wouldn’t we then be able to dismantle the New World Order and restore our Constitutional Republic? With your help we can accomplish all these things!

Consistent monthly support provides a solid financial base that allows us to expand our investigative journalism, hard-hitting videos, action tools, and grassroots organization. What we can accomplish is directly proportional to the income we can count on.

Click here to learn more about joining a Continuing Support Club or contact your local coordinator, call 1-800-JBS-USA1, or download this form and mail it in.

If you are not currently a JBS member, you must also fill out and send in the JBS application.

Questions About Donating?

Your support will help keep America a sovereign nation. Your donation aids us in working to restore America to what our forefathers intended — a Republic. We welcome a variety of donations which can include stocks, bonds, and estates.

We’re always willing to help out and answer all your questions — that’s why we’re happy to provide our development staff as a direct contact if you are serious about saving our Constitutional Republic through donating. Also feel free to contact JBS Headquarters at 920-749-3780 or at 800-JBS-USA1 for any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my donation to JBS tax deductible?

No. The JBS is organized as a not-for-profit corporation without the privacy risk designation of 501(c)(3). JBS Founder Robert Welch wanted member privacy held at a high priority, so he did not pursue tax deductible status. Your donations to JBS, as well as The New American are held to the highest level of privacy. Your information is never shared outside of our organization.

Is my TNA donation tax deductible?

No. The New American does not hold a tax deductible status, which is purposefully done to protect your privacy. Your information is never shared outside of our organization.

If I want a tax deduction, to which entities can I donate?

Both FreedomProject Academy & Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation hold 501(c)(3) status & provide tax deductibility.

Where is my JBS donation used?

We have various campaigns & special projects and yes, you can designate where you would like your donation to go. Designating your gift for general budget purposes will ensure that it will be used where the need is most urgent.

Where are my TNA, FPA, & LECF donations used?

You can designate that your gifts to The New American be used toward the TNA Appeal, or you can specify that it be used for the general budget.

If you are donating to the FreedomProject Academy, you can indicate that your gift be used for tuition assistance, media, or FreedomProject Academy’s general budget.

All Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation donations are used to provide grants for the families of fallen officers, outreach & training programs, memorials, and updated protective equipment for police officers.