
JBS News Analysis

JBS News Analysis by the John Birch Society
JBS Analysis is a John Birch Society podcast that presents the scoop behind the news. Host Bill Hahn, the CEO of JBS, uses his extensive knowledge of the anti-American agenda to help listeners understand what the news really means and how they can become involved in restoring the country they love. Bill Hahn is the CEO of The John Birch Society, the patriotic organization that has been warning of incoming socialist tyranny for 60+ years. Under Hahn, the JBS has experienced exponential growth, as Americans are joining the effort to thwart the globalists’ plans to destroy America. Watch it on Video

SOTU Reflects Slide Into Communism | News Analysis

March 8, 2022 Episode

What’s been dubbed the “state of delusion” was delivered last week by President Biden.  It’s probably one of the only duties he’s completed that is actually constitutional. It was delivered during a very chaotic time, amidst foreign war, inflation, and with an economy still trying to recover from government lockdowns.

All of this chaos is government-induced, so we’ll offer constitutional perspective on what we heard during Biden’s speech and how you can help stop the slide into Communism in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective to save American freedom and independence.

Action Items:

  1. Join The John Birch Society.
  2. Read and share “And Not a Shot is Fired“.
  3. Learn how the “Constitution is the Solution“.