
Myths vs. Facts

Myths vs. Facts by the John Birch Society

Myths VS Facts is a 40-episode series that may result in your knowing that not all of your heroes were really heroes. It includes history that has been purged from history books. Host Art Thompson cites his highly researched five-pound tome, “To The Victor Go The Myths & Monuments” as the basis for each episode.

Art Thompson is the former CEO of The John Birch Society. He is the author of several books that detail the globalists' threats and plans to individual liberties and national sovereignty.

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Election of 1860 | Securing Support for Lincoln | Myths VS Facts

December 31, 2021 Episode

In episode 27 of Myths VS Facts, Art Thompson discusses the background behind the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the 1860 election. Many believe that Lincoln was a back-woods, rail splitting country lawyer that was nominated by the Republican Party without campaigning for it or appearing at the nominating convention. Find out why this couldn’t be further from the truth.


Read To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments