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Education is the Weapon Globalists Fear  

In this clip taken from Freedom Is the Cure’s episode, “Is Deep State’s Media Propaganda Crumbling,” Paul and Daniel Natal discuss how the globalists learned propaganda lessons from Covid and what hope there is of people awakening to the nefarious efforts against their thoughts and beliefs.  

Watch the entire Freedom Is The Cure episode.

Watch The New American TV With Rebecca Terrell.

Connect with a local JBS coordinator and get plugged into the battle for America @ 

In this clip taken from Freedom Is the Cure’s episode, “Is Deep State’s Media Propaganda Crumbling,” Paul and Daniel Natal discuss how the globalists learned propaganda lessons from Covid and what hope there is of people awakening to the nefarious efforts against their thoughts and beliefs.

Watch the entire episode @

Watch The New American TV With Rebecca Terrell @

Connect with a local JBS coordinator and get plugged into the battle for America @