
Activate America

Activate America by the John Birch Society

Activate America is a John Birch Society podcast hosted by JBS former CEO Art Thompson. Art, who has spent most of his life speaking and writing on the anti-American agenda, shares with listeners how they can stop the enemy from destroying America.

Art Thompson served as the CEO of JBS for 15 years. He is a frequent speaker and the author of several in-depth books that detail the threats to liberty, including China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, In the Shadow of the Deep State, and To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments.

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Education Rebates a Danger? | Activate America

August 17, 2022 Episode

Parents are waking up to what is happening in our school system.  Marxists control our government schools, so people are opting out and moving their children toward private schools and home schooling.  But the Marxists will push for a way to control those schools and they’ll do it with taxes.

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others
  2. Apply for JBS membership and get involved:
  3. Learn about the Marxist background of teachers in the book “In The Shadows Of The Deep State“.
  4. To get a more historical perspective, read the book “To The Victor Go The Myths And Monuments“.