
Anarchy & America

Anarchy & America by the John Birch Society
Anarchy & America exposes the tactics used by communists and radicals to incite civil unrest for the purpose of destroying America and ushering in global collectivism. In each episode, Host Christian Gomez discusses a specific subversive strategy with an expert guest. Christian Gomez is the research project manager at The John Birch Society. Watch it on Video

Dividing The People | Chile in Chaos

July 12, 2021 Episode

Originally aired on October 12, 2020.  Law and order is breaking down all around us as mob rule and rioting reigns in our nation’s cities and streets. Today we’ll look at how Marxist revolutionaries have recently sought to divide the people in Chile. We will here from Dr. Carlos Casanova, a Venezuelan lawyer and professor in Chile about how communists use the tactic of dividing the people to incite revolution. Leah Southwell, an American citizen and former resident of Santiago, recounts her first-hand encounter with protesters in Chile and how they resemble and relate to the “Black Lives Matter” protests currently engulfing the United States.


Read the Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes