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Action Alerts for All 50 States

Below is a list of legislative action alerts that apply to all states. Each alert includes a pre-written message that you can email to your representatives.

When you use the widget it will identify exactly who the alert needs to be sent to, based on your home address. Since personal visits, video, and phone calls are the most effective way to influence your state legislators, please follow up with a visit, call, or video message.

Our Legislative Alert widget will provide a few talking points when creating a video or calling your lawmakers. Once you are all done, share this page with others in order to create greater pressure on legislature to do the right thing.

Legislative Alerts for All States from the John Birch Society

Select a state on the map below to see alerts for that state.

STOP Forced mRNA Jabs, “Vaccine Passport” schemes, and Mask Mandates!

STOP Forced mRNA Jabs, “Vaccine Passport” schemes, and Mask Mandates!

Globalists, leftists, Big Pharma, and the Deep State are pushing for forced vaccinations, whether through "vaccine passports" or outright government mandates. It is imperative that our leaders put an end to these schemes.

End State Involvement in Federal “Climate Change” Scheme

End State Involvement in Federal “Climate Change” Scheme

Nearly every state has joined a Biden-EPA scheme to that would help implement the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 in the name of stopping supposed “climate change.” Urge your state legislators to withdraw your state from this unconstitutional, collectivist scheme.

Divest From BlackRock — Reject Leftist Ideology

Divest From BlackRock — Reject Leftist Ideology

Malicious actors, including BlackRock, have been pushing woke, leftist nonsense — using taxpayer money! State legislators must divest from BlackRock and other leftism-promoting corporations.

Outlaw Subversive Agenda 2030 Schemes

Outlaw Subversive Agenda 2030 Schemes

Agenda 2030 is a major threat to liberty and is being implemented across the country — maybe even in your town or county. Contact your state legislators and urge them to enact strong legislation banning all governmental involvement in Agenda 2030 or “sustainable development” schemes.

Stop Article V Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Stop Article V Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Whether your state has previously passed and has a “live” application to Congress to call a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA) or not, your state is likely still the target of other organizations advocating for an Article V convention to propose different amendments.

Urge STATES to Use Nullification to Enforce the Constitution

Urge STATES to Use Nullification to Enforce the Constitution

Nullification, rooted in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, is a powerful tool for protecting our liberties and limiting the federal government. State legislators must use it to counter the far-left and unconstitutional policies currently emanating from the federal government.

Stop State ESAs and Vouchers — Don’t Shackle Parents With Government Subsidies

Stop State ESAs and Vouchers — Don’t Shackle Parents With Government Subsidies

State legislatures are increasingly considering and enacting school vouchers and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Although these proposals might sound good, they severely threaten individual freedom and parental rights and with the government funds come various onerous strings. It is imperative that state legislators oppose vouchers and ESAs, and instead protect educational freedom!

Nullify the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” and IHR Amendments

Nullify the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” and IHR Amendments

The World Health Organization (WHO) is negotiating a global pandemic treaty and considering dangerous amendments to its International Health Regulations — these will further enable Covid medical tyranny while amounting to yet another step toward a one-world government. State governments can and should nullify these tyrannical schemes.

Rescind All Applications for an Article V Constitutional Convention

Rescind All Applications for an Article V Constitutional Convention

It is imperative that state legislators — especially those in states with outstanding, or "live," applications for a BBA or COS convention — rescind each of their states' previously passed Con-Con applications.

Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Spending

Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Spending

States can use nullification to stop unconstitutional federal spending, just as they can use it to stop other federal usurpations. Urge your state legislators to do this.

Stop Ranked-choice Voting: Threat to Election Integrity

Stop Ranked-choice Voting: Threat to Election Integrity

The Left is attempting to implement ranked-choice voting (RCV), also called instant runoff voting (IRV), in each state. RCV threatens election integrity and undermines the electorate’s ability to choose the best candidate in elections.

Defund Public Schools

Defund Public Schools

Public schools in the United States are beyond repair. Accordingly, every level of government should end all support for any government school — and any other institution — that indoctrinates children against Americanist and Judeo-Christian values.

Restore Election Integrity in the States

Restore Election Integrity in the States

State legislatures must take the lead in restoring election integrity. Among other essential actions, they must increase vote-counting transparency, promote in-person voting on Election Day only, and enact strong voter ID laws.

Tyranny of the Majority: The National Popular Vote!

Tyranny of the Majority: The National Popular Vote!

The Founding Fathers gave us a constitutional Republic, not a Democracy, in order to prevent the loss of our rights and freedoms to a tyranny of the majority. The Electoral College is one of the key aspects of the Constitution for accomplishing this purpose.