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Get US Out! of the WTO

Get US Out! of the WTO
Alert Summary

America is based on the philosophy that our rights come from God and that governments are instituted to secure these rights. However, the globalists’ trade agenda to establish a world government by means of a series of multilateral and bilateral trade agreements – including the WTO – directly threatens the security of our rights. Congress must introduce legislation in Congress that will restore U.S. sovereignty from the WTO's grip.

What Can You Do?

Contact your U.S. Representatives, Senators, and the President

Please help resist this assault on our national sovereignty by contacting your U.S. representative, senators, and the president. Urge them to support U.S. withdrawal from the WTO and to abide by the Constitution when setting U.S. trade policy. Additionally, urge them to introduce legislation in Congress that will accomplish this.

Why it Matters

We need to be honest about the fact that we are transferring from the United States at a practical level significant authority to a new organization. This is a transformational moment. I would feel better if the people who favor this would just be honest about the scale of change.

Twenty years from now we will look back on this as a very important defining moment. This is not just another trade agreement….

– Newt Gingrich, during congressional debate over joining the WTO in June 1994

In the above quote by Newt Gingrich in June 1994, he was referring to the transfer of national sovereignty from the U.S. to the World Trade Organization (WTO) that would occur by joining it. In late 1994, Congress did approve U.S. membership in the WTO. Gingrich ended up voting yes.

Please read “‘Free Trade’ Isn’t Really About Trade,” which was posted at on August 20, 2018, to see just how bad a decision joining the WTO was. According to this article, the WTO “is the de facto global trade ministry of the UN-centered nascent world government. It commonly rules against the United States, requiring changes in domestic law at the state and federal levels.” Beyond these downsides to WTO membership, after the U.S. helped pave the way for China to join the WTO in 2001, there was a rapid buildup of the Chinese economy at the expense of the U.S. economy. By 2020, China’s WTO entry cost the U.S. 3.7 million jobs.

For a specific example of how the WTO overrides U.S. trade laws, consider that in 2008 Congress passed a law requiring meat products to have country of origin labels (COOL). Canada claimed that the COOL law violated WTO rules, and went on (with Mexico and some other countries) to take the U.S. to arbitration under a WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). The WTO DSB ruled in favor of Canada and Mexico giving them the green light to retaliate by imposing over $1 billion in tariffs on U.S. products unless the U.S. repealed the COOL law. Sure enough, in 2015 Congress repealed the COOL law. This example shows why we need to restore our national sovereignty by withdrawing our membership in the WTO.

The WTO has ruled multiple other times against the U.S., attacking its sovereignty and domestic laws in the process. It has even forced state governments to change their laws when conflicting its rulings. Its leadership, along with other Deep State members, seek even greater power for the international organization. Already, all of the U.S.’s bilateral and multilateral trade agreements are subordinate to the WTO.

Not only is the WTO a threat to U.S. sovereignty, but its status as a trade agreement is unconstitutional and legally unenforceable. For example, Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution requires that treaties be ratified by two-thirds of the U.S. Senate. The WTO, however, was enacted by a simple majority vote by both houses of Congress. Additionally, Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the sole authority to set tariff rates and regulate foreign trade. Congress has unconstitutionally delegated this power to the executive branch and, in this case, to an international organization that can override U.S. domestic law.

In the 116th Congress, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), in addition to writing an op-ed calling for the WTO’s abolition, introduced S.J.Res.71 to withdraw the U.S. from the international organization. The Senate did not consider Senator Hawley’s resolution, and Congress must reintroduce and support such a bill.

Bottom line: the WTO is a key component in the globalists’ trade agenda for creating a world government under the United Nations, and it is imperative that the U.S. withdraws from this organization. For more information on the globalists’ trade agenda go to /trade/.

Please phone the president (202-456-1111), your U.S. representative (202-225-3121), and your senators (202-224-3121) in support of getting the U.S. out of the WTO and restoring our national sovereignty.