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Support the Idaho Medical Freedom Act (S1023)

Support the Idaho Medical Freedom Act (S1023)
Alert Summary

Members of the Idaho Legislature are seeking to pass the Idaho Medical Freedom Act (S1023), a pro-freedom bill that would protect South Carolinians from forced vaccination, roll back “public health emergency” laws, and ensure access to ivermectin and other life-saving medications.

What Can You Do?

Contact your state legislators

Please help enact S1023, the Idaho Medical Freedom Act, by contacting your state legislators. Urge them to stand up for the U.S. Constitution and medical freedom, and to reject vaccine tyranny.

Why it Matters

URGENT: The Idaho Senate passed S1023, the Idaho Medical Freedom Act, by a 19-14 vote. This important bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration. Please contact your representatives, and urge them to support S1023.

Members of the Idaho Legislature are seeking to pass the Medical Freedom Act (S.975), a pro-freedom bill that would protect Idaho residents from all medical mandates.

Senate Bill No. 1023 (S1023), titled the Idaho Medical Freedom Act, is sponsored by the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. If enacted, it would prohibit nearly all “medical interventions,” defined as “a procedure, treatment, device, drug injection, medication, or action taken to diagnose, prevent, or cure a disease or alter the health or biological function of a person.”

The bill would expand an existing prohibition on Covid vaccine mandates, and expand it to all medical mandates, regardless of the disease. It would also prevent schools from imposing such mandates. The bill would exempt medical-related employers, except for mandates specifically related to Covid-19.

It is imperative that the Legislature enact the Idaho Medical Freedom Act (S1023) this session.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, all levels of government blatantly disregarded the Constitution and imposed a wide range of unprecedented and totalitarian restrictions. Although these restrictions have since been lifted, it’s essential that state legislators prevent such restrictions from ever being reimposed. If freedom-loving Americans are to stop the imposition of a biomedical security state, it is imperative that citizens push back, rein in these government entities, and ensure they cease to violate our constitutional liberties.

Urge your state representatives to pass S1023 and to robustly protect all our God-given rights.