Stop Pro-carbon-capture West Virginia Bill SB 627
Legislative Alerts

Members of the West Virginia Legislature are seeking to pass SB 627, which would further entrench carbon capture — which is connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 — in the state.
Contact your state legislators
Please help stop SB 627 and the attack on property rights by contacting your state legislators. Urge them to stand up for property rights, end eminent domain for private utility projects, and reject the UN's Agenda 2030 and its insidious goals.
Why it Matters
Members of the West Virginia Legislature are seeking to pass legislation that would further entrench carbon capture — which is connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 — in the state.
Senate Bill 627 (SB 627) would allow the state Department of Natural Resources to lease pore spaces under state parks for carbon-capture pipelines. This bill would build upon a 2023 bill that allowed carbon-capture development on other state-owned land. If enacted, SB 627 would further entrench West Virginia’s promotion of carbon capture.
However, carbon-capture pipelines are a dangerous step toward the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, and significantly threaten private-property rights. Furthermore, such technology is premised on the false and dangerous notions that carbon is harmful for humanity, is contributing to harmful “climate change,” and must be severely reduced.
Carbon-capture pipelines also threaten property rights as companies frequently seek to confiscate productive farmland through eminent domain in order to build those pipelines. Furthermore, several of the companies and investors behind these projects are foreign-based and have troubled histories.
Additionally, the carbon-capture pipelines are closely connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 “sustainable development” scheme to eliminate private property and totally reshape society in the name of fighting “climate change.” The pipelines also are associated with serious safety concerns, and have been shown to be a poor investment. And if all this isn’t enough, they are tied to the “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) agenda.
Contact your state delegate and senator and urge them to strongly stand up for property rights — and against Agenda 2030 — by opposing SB 627.