URGENT: SB 3 is moving through the House of Representatives, after having passed the state Senate. Urge your representative to oppose this dangerous and unconstitutional bill.
The Colorado General Assembly is seeking to pass legislation to ban so-called “assault weapons,” thus severely infringing upon citizens’ fundamental right of self-defense.
Senate Bill 25-003 (SB 3) would generally outlaw semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns that hold more than 15 rounds. The bill was amended to allow individuals to own such weapons if they first get permission from the government — however, it’s unacceptable to require permission from the government to exercise a God-given right.
SB 3 is a blatant assault on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and if passed, it would directly infringe upon it in multiple ways. Additionally, its provisions — particularly its gun registry — would enable both the state and federal governments to more easily implement further gun-control measures, including confiscations.
Furthermore, SB 3 only amounts to advancing the Left’s civilian-disarmament schemes. For an illustration of its ultimate goal, one only needs to look at Canada or Serbia, which are in the process of totally outlawing firearms.
The ability of a person to defend him- or herself is a fundamental God-given right. Stripping individuals of this right would make them utterly dependent upon the government for their very lives and allow it to strip them of other rights without fear of reprisal.
It is imperative that we protect the Second Amendment. Thus, urge your state representative to oppose SB 3, and to instead support legislation that upholds and protects the God-given right to self-defense.
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