A proposed medical freedom amendment to the Constitution of Texas has been introduced by Texas House Representative Andy Hopper (R-Decatur). If successful, Texas House Joint Resolution No. 91 (HJR 91) would amend the Texas Constitution to guarantee the right to refuse a vaccination.
It is imperative that Texas legislators support this resolution and uncompromisingly defendGod-givenrights, which include the medical freedom to refuse vaccination.
The constitutional amendment proposed by HJR 91 would establish a constitutionally protected right in Texas that protects medical freedom and prevents government-endorsed discrimination that restricts employment, travel, education, or governmental services.
If passed by two-thirds of the Texas House and Senate, a constitutional-amendment election would be held to allow voters the choice of amending the Constitution of Texas:
This proposed constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 4, 2025. The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: “The constitutional amendment recognizing the right of an individual to refuse a vaccination.”
If approved by voters, HJR 91 will add a new section to the Constitution of Texas. The proposed amendment reads:
Sec. 37. An individual has the unalienable and natural right to refuse a vaccination. The vaccination status of an individual may not be made a condition of employment, travel, school or other educational institution attendance, conducting business, receiving governmental services, or any other action in this state.
This amendment would protect the unalienable, natural rights of the people, recognized by the Founding Fathers, and prevent future government mandates that force, or coerce, citizens into accepting vaccinations.
Representative Hopper stated that the Texas Legislature indemnified businesses that mandated vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing citizens to accept vaccines without recourse for resulting complications:
In 2021, the Texas legislature indemnified businesses in Texas that forced you to take the vaccine. If there was a complication, you were powerless to seek damages. The central purpose of government is to protect the liberties of its people, and in our hour of need, the Texas legislature took the side of powerful corporations against you. I support an amendment to the Texas constitution recognizing the unalienable natural right of the people to refuse vaccination. Because this right is an inalienable, it cannot be bargained away and therefore vaccination shall not be made a condition of employment, travel, attending educational institutions, doing business, receiving governmental services, or any other action. We the people must never again permit the tyranny of government that we saw in 2020.
The vaccine mandates at all levels of government — local, state, and federal — were an unprecedented infringement of the God-given rights of individuals’ authority over what they put into their bodies. Government should never be allowed to force the citizens they represent to accept any vaccinations, regardless of their rationale for imposing these tyrannical requirements.
Urge your state legislators support HJR 91 and boldly protect the unalienable, God-given right to medical freedom.
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