
Legislative Action Alerts

legislative action alerts

Below is a list of legislative action alerts. Each alert includes a pre-written message that you can email to your representatives.

When you use the widget it will identify exactly who the alert needs to be sent to, based on your home address. Since personal visits, video, and phone calls are the most effective way to influence your congressmen, please follow up with a visit, call, or video message.

Our Legislative Alert widget will provide a few talking points when creating a video or calling your lawmakers. Once you are all done, share this page with others in order to create greater pressure on legislature to do the right thing.

Get US Out! of the WHO — Support H.R. 79

H.R. 79 would withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). This comes as the WHO works to implement a global pandemic treaty, as well as dangerous amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) — these will further enable Covid medical tyranny while amounting to yet another step toward a one-world government. It is imperative that Congress enact H.R. 79 and withdraw the United States from the WHO and UN.

Support Election Audits — Urge Virginia Gov. Glenn Younkin to Line-item Veto Amendment 77 #2c

The Virginia General Assembly has added Amendment 77 #2c — which bans a potential audit of the 2024 presidential election — to the commonwealth budget bill. Urge Governor Glenn Youngkin to line-item veto this dangerous provision.

Support Strong South Carolina Election-integrity Bill H.4935

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are seeking to enact a H.4935, a strong election-integrity bill that would go a long way toward ensuring the integrity of South Carolina elections. It is imperative that legislators pass this bill and reject every attempt to weaken it.

Protect Parental Rights in Maine — Stop Extremist Bill LD 227

Members of the Maine Legislature are seeking to enact LD 227, a radical bill that severely erodes parental rights while promoting an extreme “LGBT+” agenda.

Protect Homeowner Freedom in Minnesota — Stop HF 3947 and SF 3852

Members of the Minnesota Legislature are seeking to enact HF 3947 and SF 3852, which would impose draconian restrictions on the ability of homeowners to make minor improvements to their own homes — a major expansion of government control. It is imperative that legislators reject this extreme bill!

Support SB 115 to Protect Local Police in Kentucky

Members of the Kentucky General Assembly are seeking to enact SB 115, which would remove default “peace officer” status for most federal law-enforcement agencies in Kentucky — a major step toward protecting local police in Kentucky.

Restore Sound Money in New Jersey with S721

Members of the New Jersey Legislature are seeking to enact S721, which would help to restore sound money.

Support the South Carolina Medical Freedom Act (S.975)

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are seeking to pass the Medical Freedom Act (S.975), a pro-freedom bill that would protect South Carolinians from forced vaccination, roll back “public health emergency” laws, and ensure access to ivermectin and other life-saving medications.

Stop Louisiana Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution SCR 2

Members of the Louisiana State Legislature are seeking to pass SCR 2, which would apply to Congress to call a convention to propose amendments under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Support Rescinding Connecticut’s Con-Con Applications — Enact HJR 230

Members of the Connecticut General Assembly are attempting to pass HJR 230, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

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