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Support HB 121 to Nullify Federal Gun Control in Georgia

Support HB 121 to Nullify Federal Gun Control in Georgia
Alert Summary

Members of the Georgia General Assembly are seeking to pass HB 121, which would likely be the strongest and most comprehensive nullification of unconstitutional federal gun control laws in the country.

What Can You Do?

Contact your state legislators

Please help enact HB 121 by contacting your state representative and senator. Urge them to faithfully abide by the U.S. Constitution and to reject all laws that violate them.

Why it Matters

Members of the Georgia General Assembly are seeking to pass what would be one of the strongest and most comprehensive bills to nullify federal gun control.

House Bill 121 (HB 121), titled the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” is sponsored by Representatives Charlice Byrd (R-Woodstock) and Noelle Kahaian (R-Locust Grove).

HB 121 make several declarations, including support for a limited federal government as stipulated in the 10th Amendment, the invalidity of federal powers not enumerated in the Constitution, and an elaboration of what policies the federal government and the Georgia state government can and cannot constitutionally enforce.

Next, the bill prohibits enforcement of any “federal acts, executive orders, administrative orders, rules, regulations, statutes, or ordinances regarding firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.” Importantly, this provision would effectively nullify past, present, and future unconstitutional firearm restrictions.

The rest of the bill primarily ensures that government officials at the state and local levels do not enforce the listed unconstitutional federal gun control policies and provides citizens with a means of redress if their self-defense rights are violated.

HB 121 is a good application of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, which states “[t]his Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”

Since the various forms of infringement outlined in HB 121 violate the Second Amendment and, by extension, the U.S. Constitution, they cannot be considered “made in Pursuance thereof” and, thus, are not “the supreme Law of the Land.” Unfortunately, in the last several decades, thousands of unconstitutional laws on the federal, state, and even local levels have been created and enforced.

Because of this, it is important that officials at all levels of government begin to push back against this lawless regime and robustly enforce the Constitution and only those laws “made in Pursuance thereof.” HB 121 is a strong start to this, and it is an excellent model for other states to follow.

Urge your state representative and senator to nullify federal gun control in Georgia with HB 121, and to push back against all other unconstitutional laws at every level of government.