
Support SF 92 to “Make Carbon Dioxide Great Again” in Wyoming

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Members of the Wyoming Legislature are seeking to enact SF 92, which would repeal “net zero” provisions that promote Agenda 2030-inspired carbon-sequestration policies.

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Members of the Wyoming Legislature are seeking to enact legislation repealing “net zero” provisions that promote Agenda 2030-inspired carbon-sequestration policies.

Senate File No. SF0092 (SF 92), titled “Make Carbon Dioxide Great Again — No Net Zero,” is sponsored by Senator Cheri Steinmetz (R-Lingle) and Representative John Bear (R-Gillette).

If enacted, this bill would repeal state mandates requiring coal-fired power plants to be retrofitted with carbon-capture-and-sequestration technology, a policy motivated by a desire to achieve “net zero,” and which has already cost Wyoming residents millions of dollars.

Additionally, SF 92 makes the following policy declarations:

(b) It is the policy of the state of Wyoming that:

(i) Carbon dioxide is a foundational nutrient necessary for life on earth;

(ii) Carbon dioxide shall not be designated or treated as a pollutant or contaminant;

(iii) The state of Wyoming shall not pursue any targets or measures that support the reduction or elimination of carbon dioxide, including any “net‑zero” targets.

This would be a major step toward rolling back the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 in Wyoming.

Carbon-capture policies are a dangerous step toward the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, and significantly threaten private-property rights. Furthermore, such technology is premised on the false and dangerous notions that carbon is harmful for humanity, is contributing to harmful “climate change,” and must be severely reduced.

Carbon-capture pipelines also threaten property rights as companies frequently seek to confiscate productive farmland through eminent domain in order to build those pipelines. Furthermore, several of the companies and investors behind these projects are foreign-based and have troubled histories.

Additionally, the carbon-capture pipelines are closely connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 “sustainable development” scheme to eliminate private property and totally reshape society in the name of fighting “climate change.” The pipelines also are associated with serious safety concerns, and have been shown to be a poor investment. And if all this isn’t enough, they are tied to the “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) agenda.

Urge your state representative and senator to stop Agenda 2030 and “Make Carbon Dioxide Great Again” in Wyoming by enacting SF 92.

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Please help enact SF 92 by contacting your state legislators. Urge them to stand up for property rights, prohibit implementation of the UN's Agenda 2030, and oppose all "net zero" policies.

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