Information You Can’t Live Without

Every day, thousands of freedom-loving Americans turn to The New American as their essential source of news and The John Birch Society as their leading source for organized volunteer action. Why?
Because all of our materials are based off of the principles of the U.S. Constitution and give boots-on-the-ground examples of how to apply what you've learned. The New American showcases the problems and dives deeper to discover the real story behind the headlines, while The John Birch Society gives you an opportunity to apply the answers without getting frustrated.
Transforming Society
American education and the media we consume has shifted over the years to push a one-sided agenda. "Progressive" propaganda aims to transform American culture and society through more government programs, spending, regulation, surveillance, and taxes. Leaving us with limited freedom and government having a tighter grasp on our lives. Unfortunately, most have not noticed, because it has come on gradually. By using school textbooks, the mainstream media, and entertainment some Americans have forgotten how to think for themselves.
That's where we come in. The John Birch Society is committed to exposing this plot. We dig deeper to expose who is behind all of this transformation and together we take on this imminent threat to our liberty. If you are ready to preserve freedom and save constitutionally limited government, then you're in the right place!
What Others Think

"I receive The New American [magazine] … and consider it a valuable source of information. Its writers have produced groundbreaking research on a number of topics … often much in advance of the mainstream media. I find it very interesting and helpful reading."
-Former Congressman Ron Paul
"Anytime I see a post on Facebook or some other social media … and it [has] The New American name attached to it, I know its credible, I know it has had research, I know there's sources, I know it's well written and well thought out. I can't say that about many sources."
-Paul Jensen, KTalk Radio
"They have always told the truth and have in almost every prediction been right on the money with world events."
-Allen Banks, JBS Facebook Review