Herman H. Dinsmore worked for the New York Times for thirty-four years, nine as editor of the International Edition. He authored the book, All the News That Fits (1969), exposing the biases of the Times, two chapters of which are devoted to The Times’ harmful influence on the conduct of the war in Vietnam. He went on to write The Bleeding of America (1974) which reveals the conspiracy and cover-ups that plague our nation as a whole.
(Third edition, 1977)
Herman H. Dinsmore worked for the New York Times for thirty-four years, nine as editor of the International Edition. Out of that experience came a book entitled All the News That Fits, an exposé of the biases of the Times. In the last few years Mr. Dinsmore’s understanding of the American crisis has deepened, and the title of this book indicates that change: The subject is no longer the most influential paper in the nation, but the nation itself.
In changing the focus of his writing, Mr. Dinsmore has set before us an example of intellectual growth. So many conservative writers are instances of arrested growth that it is refreshing to find someone like Herman Dinsmore who has the intellectual courage — and ability — to move from a detail (the bias of the communications media, for example) to a perception of the larger picture of what is happening to the American Republic.
This is not to belittle those writers who have profitably called our attention to the details, for without them there would be no larger picture to be seen. The greatest paintings display the greatest attention to detail. It is, rather, to reprove, if only mildly, those who have become so specialized in their concerns that they cannot — or will not — perceive the interconnections between their discoveries and the discoveries of others.
Perhaps The Bleeding of America would be a good starting place for those who suffer from the intellectual analogue of tunnel vision. In this short book, Herman Dinsmore steps back and takes a look at the larger picture, and in so doing shows us how some of the details fit together. Many of us, unfortunately, still believe that political events are not planned — they just happen. The more sophisticated among us may mumble something about the Forces of History, but generally we tend to believe that things, both great and small, just happen. After all, the universe is governed by chance — or so the scientists tell us — and that universe includes political affairs.
Consequently, people who buy milk Monday evening for Tuesday’s breakfast continue to believe that assassinations, wars, and presidential nominations just happen. The idea that there may be someone or some organization planning those events is as remote from their minds as the details of Chinese history. Of course, we must not fall into the trap of saying that all political events are planned by any one group or individual. What we need to say is that the commanding events in political affairs are made by men who have a fairly well though out plan about the kind of world they desire. George Orwell described that world as a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
It is our purpose in publishing this revised and updated edition of The Bleeding of America to prevent Orwell’s vision from being realized by those who planned Pearl Harbor, the subjugation of Central Europe, and the Vietnamese War. Not believing that things just happen, Western Islands is committed to a publishing program designed to educate the American people in the history and virtues of the American Republic and the conspiracy that plans to destroy it. The Bleeding of America is the latest of our growing series of such books and we are pleased to commend it to all Americans.
–Western Islands