Vietnam: A No-win War?

Were the American fighting forces in Vietnam really given a chance to win? Various sources, including Vietnam veterans, comment on the “no-win” policies imposed upon our soldiers.

The Real Hal Moore

Interview of Lt. General Harold G. Moore by William F. Jasper — Lt. General Harold G. Moore, the real-life protagonist portrayed by Mel Gibson in We Were Soldiers, talks with THE NEW AMERICAN about the movie, his book, and Vietnam. (March 2002)

Vindicating Our Veterans

After decades of defamation, caricature, and disregard, We Were Soldiers pays homage to America’s Vietnam warriors for their heroism and sacrifice. (March 2002)

Worth Repeating

Quotes from various individuals on how American war policies in Vietnam made winning an impossibility. (May 1995)

Retreat From Victory

John F. McManus explains the UN's involvement in both the Vietnam and Korean wars and how the American military was forced to fight "with one hand tied behind their backs." (November 1993)

Planning for Defeat

U.S. foreign policy clearly enshrines the abandonment of anti-Communist countries friendly to the United States (August 1986)

Unconscionable Surrender

The American surrender in Vietnam can effect the overall security of the U.S. for years to come. (February 1986)

Heroes of Vietnam

Vietnamese-American professor, lawyer and journalist Dr. Pham Kim Vinh says American soldiers were victimized by politicians. (February 1986)

Vietnam And The CFR

John F. McManus explains in a 1975 report the connection between CFR members and and the conduct of war in Vietnam. (May 1975)

No Blame! Why Not?

At the close of the Vietnam War, none of the Presidential administrations take the blame for the departure from the U.S. policy to prevent Communism from engulfing S. Vietnam. (May 1975)

How Vietnam Was Lost

John F. McManus explains that the Vietnam War was lost due to America's dual policy of appeasement and support of Communism in this 1975 article. (April 1975)

The Dan Smoot ReportOn How To End The War

In this 1971 article, Dan Smoot calls for an official declaration of war to end the conflict in Vietnam while reviewing the steps that got us involved in the first place. (March 1971)

While Brave Men Die

American war policies prevented soldiers from fighting to win and kept our troops in constant, desperate need of vital supplies and ammunition. (June 1967)

When Are We Going To Win; And Why Not?

Congressman Dies of Texas tells how the "Liberals" in power during the Vietnam War were deliberately preventing American soldiers from winning the war quickly and decisively. (May 1966)

Analysis: Vietnam

Though no actions were taken by President Johnson to stop Communism in any other country (China, Cuba, etc.), the American policies to stop the spread of Communism in Vietnam made winning the war impossible. (Dec. 1965- Jan. 1966)

Background to Betrayal

An excerpt from Hilaire du Berrier's 1965 book about the Dien Bien Phu battle and America's plan for failure in South Vietnam. (1965)