Henry Kissinger: This Man is on the Other Side
Kissinger's plan to intentionally abandon South Vietnam to Communist takeover shows that he and his policies are anything but pro-American. (June 1975) ...
Kissinger's plan to intentionally abandon South Vietnam to Communist takeover shows that he and his policies are anything but pro-American. (June 1975) ...
Kissinger, the acknowledged architect of both détente and summit diplomacy during Presidents Nixon and Ford's administration, often negotiated terms favorable to the Communists. (November 1985) ...
by Warren P. Mass Reprinted with permission from The New American, December 7, 1987 Mention “Peace Plan” and your listener’s political persuasions immediately become apparent: The Liberal naïvely envisions the Communist leopard...
U.S. leaders, including Kissinger, would rather pay off the Communists, than cultivate courage and morality to bring home POWs. (February 1988) ...
During President Bush's administration, U.S. foreign policy was directed by Kissinger devotees. (December 1989) ...
The most tragic example of U.S. media aid to the cause of North Vietnam was the reporting on the major Communist offensive launched on January 30, 1968 during the truce for...
Interview of Lt. General Harold G. Moore by William F. Jasper — Lt. General Harold G. Moore, the real-life protagonist portrayed by Mel Gibson in We Were Soldiers, talks with THE...
After decades of defamation, caricature, and disregard, We Were Soldiers pays homage to America’s Vietnam warriors for their heroism and sacrifice. (March 2002) ...
Quotes from various individuals on how American war policies in Vietnam made winning an impossibility. (May 1995) ...
Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara says the U.S. was "terribly wrong" in Vietnam but admits no wrongdoing despite his own weakening of America's defense posture. (May 1995) ...
John F. McManus explains the UN's involvement in both the Vietnam and Korean wars and how the American military was forced to fight "with one hand tied behind their backs." (November...
A Vietnam veteran looks back at the war and explains how we could -- and should -- have won. (February 1988) ...
U.S. foreign policy clearly enshrines the abandonment of anti-Communist countries friendly to the United States (August 1986) ...
The American surrender in Vietnam can effect the overall security of the U.S. for years to come. (February 1986) ...
Vietnamese-American professor, lawyer and journalist Dr. Pham Kim Vinh says American soldiers were victimized by politicians. (February 1986) ...
This post-Vietnam War article traces activity from before and during the war that proves the U.S. administration planned Vietnam to be a no-win war. (June 1975) ...
John F. McManus explains in a 1975 report the connection between CFR members and and the conduct of war in Vietnam. (May 1975) ...
At the close of the Vietnam War, none of the Presidential administrations take the blame for the departure from the U.S. policy to prevent Communism from engulfing S. Vietnam. (May 1975)...
John F. McManus explains that the Vietnam War was lost due to America's dual policy of appeasement and support of Communism in this 1975 article. (April 1975) ...
In this 1971 article, Dan Smoot calls for an official declaration of war to end the conflict in Vietnam while reviewing the steps that got us involved in the first place....